Ghost Whisperer Episode 5.06 Head Over Heels
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Ghost Whisperer Episode 5.06 Head Over Heels

Episode Premiere
Oct 30, 2009
Drama, Fantasy
Production Company
ABC, CBS, Sander/Moses, Touchstone TV
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Oct 30, 2009
Drama, Fantasy
2005 - 2010
Production Co
ABC, CBS, Sander/Moses, Touchstone TV
Official Site
Ian Sander
Melissa Blake, Joy Blake
Main Cast

It's Halloween time. It seems as though the Headless Horseman from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow is haunting Melinda. The book shows up mysteriously at Aidan's school. Caroline, Aidan's teacher, comes by the shop to drop off some things from her parent's house as her father died recently and they are now selling the house. Melinda sees a riding gear in one of the boxes and is thrown into a memory of a Halloween costume party from years before with Caroline's family. She sees to masked people sneak off together and then sees a cloaked man. Talking with both Caroline and her sister, Dana, Melinda finds out that her father died of Alzheimer's and was haunted by horses, creatures he truly loved. When Melinda is thrown into another memory and visited again by the headless horseman, she looks deeper into the family and discovers a Sean Flanders who was thrown from a horse and later died. She discovers Caroline and Sean were in love and were going to run away together, but the night of this party he was accused of stealing. He ran away on a horse and was thrown. Melinda gets another vision and begins to suspect that Sean was set up, even though he was "seen" by Dana. It turns out, through some costume switching, their father was the one who set up Sean because he hated him. Through Melinda, Sean and Caroline reconcile and he reveals he saw her father leave but only part of him went into the light. Melinda is worried about Aidan's ghost "friends" when he tells her they're frightened of the shadows that are made of broken people.