Danny Trejo Involved in Scuffle at 4th of July Parade

The 'Machete' actor loses his temper after some 'childish' festivalgoers at the Sunland-Tujunga parade throw water balloon at his prized vehicle, forcing some attendees to hold him back.

AceShowbiz - Hollywood tough guy Danny Trejo is known for embodying no-nonsense characters on screen, but on this year's Independence Day, the "Machete" actor found himself in a real-life altercation that had parade-goers watching in disbelief. During the Sunland-Tujunga 4th of July Parade in California, the actor was drawn into an unexpected confrontation.

Trejo arrived at the festive event in his vintage car, prepared to join the community celebration. However, the festivities soured when a water balloon struck his prized vehicle. According to a TMZ report, the unwelcome balloon triggered Trejo's temper, culminating in an incident that escalated quickly.

A bystander's video captured the unfolding drama. Trejo, visibly angry, exited his car to confront those responsible for the water attack. The situation rapidly deteriorated into a physical skirmish as Trejo directed his frustrations at the water balloon throwers, whom he later described as "childish" and "cowards."

The chaos was tumultuous enough that several parade attendees felt compelled to intervene, holding Trejo back from the fray. Others were seen separating participants, including one individual employing a chokehold to restrain another party.

Despite the intensity of the conflict, it dissolved as quickly as it erupted. The crowd dispersed before police officers, who responded to a radio call about the altercation, could arrive on the scene. Consequently, no arrests were made.

Trejo expressed his dismay over the incident, emphasizing his belief that the water balloon throwers were likely in their 30s. He voiced his displeasure to TMZ, further characterizing the occurrence as immature and unwarranted.

Earlier in the week, Trejo had been mourning the loss of his 16-year-old chihuahua, Dixie, whom he cherished deeply. The actor shared a heartfelt message on Instagram, urging followers to "hold your babies tight" in memory of his departed pet.

This unusual Independence Day encounter showcased a real-life moment of vulnerability and turmoil for Trejo, known for his tough-guy persona. While he didn't take home any parade trophies, the episode certainly left a lasting impression on both him and the parade attendees.

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