The former 'Medium' star is urging her devotees to follow suit as she reveals through a social media post that she hasn't had a nicotine stick for three days.
- Mar 17, 2020
AceShowbiz - Patricia Arquette has gone "cold turkey" in a bid to quit her smoking addiction and reduce her chance of contracting the potentially deadly coronavirus.
The 51-year-old actress revealed on Twitter that she hadn't had a nicotine stick for three days, as she urged her fans to follow suit.
"As COVID-19 attacks the lungs one of the most important things you can do is to quit smoking and vaping. I'm in day 3. Care to join?" she wrote.
When one fan responded and said she was also trying to quit after 24 years of smoking, Patricia replied, "We can do this this f**king virus attacks lungs. We don't want to be on ventilators. We gotta do it cold turkey."
Her decision to try and quit smoking once and for all comes after Dr. Michael Matthay, the associate director of critical care medicine at University of California, San Francisco, said cigarette smoking or vaping can increase the risk of developing the COVID-19 virus.
Patricia previously stated that she's always found it hard to conquer her smoking addiction, telling People magazine, "I've always struggled with smoking. I've quit, I've started, I've quit, I've started."
The former "Medium" star also revealed in a tweet back in 2013 that she started smoking at the age of 14, and had then had "two packs a day for 12 years."