The singer, who shares daughter Ast and son Amen'Ra with Tyron Deener, also laments losing 'precious moments' with her two babies during a virtual news conference.
- Aug 18, 2021
AceShowbiz - Syesha Mercado still finds it difficult to have lost custody over her two children. In a virtual news conference, the former finalist of "American Idol" claimed she feels "criminalized" for not being able to be with her kids.
"I went somewhere to get assistance, my baby was supposed to come home with me," the 34-year-old singer said on Tuesday, August 17. "We should have never been criminalized for getting assistance for something."
Syesha, who sat next to his partner Tyron Deener, previously lamented losing "precious moments" with their daughter Ast and son Amen'Ra. "I am a first-time mom and I've been deprived of holding my babies, and feeding my babies," she tearfully explained. "I didn't get to see Ra say mama for the first time. I didn't get to see my babies meet for the first time."
"I didn't get to see that and I can't go back and redo that moment. I will never be able to go back and redo that moment," she continued. "I'm just missing out on so many precious moments - this is such a precious time... I feel my daughter. I feel when she's hungry and know when she's crying. And I can't do anything. She's not here with me."
Syesha's partner then chimed in as he denied that they mistreated their kids. "The only thing that we have ever done as parents is make responsible decisions, loving decisions," he stressed. "We have not committed any crime. We have not abused our babies. We have not done anything that is irresponsible as parents."
Syesha explained in her GoFundMe page that Amen'Ra "was forcefully and legally kidnapped" by Child Protective Services in March after she and her partner allegedly "refused a B12 shot." However, the mother of two insisted that they "never refused a B12 shot, and at no point was he on the verge of death."
As for her days-old daughter, she was taken by Manatee County sheriff's deputies on August 11. On the reason why, the deputies claimed that the parents didn't notify authorities about the baby girl.
Syesha is now fighting to regain custody of her children. Her GoFundMe page, which was created in April to help cover her legal costs, has raised more than $400,000 out of a $200,000 goal.