Better with You Episode 1.06 Better With Halloween
Better with You Photo

Better with You Episode 1.06 Better With Halloween

Episode Premiere
Oct 27, 2010
Production Company
Warner Bros. Television
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Oct 27, 2010
2010 - 2011
Production Co
Warner Bros. Television
Official Site
John Pasquin
Mathew Harawitz
Main Cast
Additional Cast

It's Maddie's birthday! It's also Halloween! And that's not a good thing. Maddie believes her big day is constantly being lost in Halloween hoopla. Even the romantic dinner Ben planned for her last year was ruined when their order was taken by Darth Waiter.

Mia suggests they have Maddie's birthday bash at her new firehouse home. It'll motivate them to clean up all the moving boxes. Besides, the closed windows and locking doors should be more than enough to keep Halloween at bay.

Maddie wonders how things are going now that Mia and Casey are living together. A big move like this can be a little unsettling when you look "behind the curtain." In other words, you find out lots of little secrets when you live with someone. Mia believes that some things can remain behind the curtain. This is a relief to Casey because he really doesn't want to reveal what's in his secret lockbox. Hmm.

Mia has to know what's in that box. So, she enlists her sis to help her crack it open. There's a videotape inside. Fortunately, their dad just had his VCR serviced. So, let's go to the videotape!

Mia and Maddie are shocked by what they see. Actually, they're confused. The video features an episode of a German TV sitcom. Though they can't understand what's being said, the laugh track indicates that it's pretty darn funny. Mia recognizes the music on the show as one of Casey's songs. So why didn't he want her to know about this? There's only one way to find out: deception.

Maddie tries to trick info out of Casey but fails horribly. Casey knows Mia watched his tape. It's embarrassing because represents how he sold out for the almighty deutsche mark. Casey is very upset with Mia. His anger is lessened a little because she's so adorable, but it's there nonetheless.

For several months, Maddie has been telling Ben exactly what she wants for her birthday. Too bad he wasn't paying attention. Ben embarks on a panicked quest to find out what the love of his life so desperately desires. His investigation only manages to reveal several cryptic clues. He knows the present isn't very big, comes in a box and can't get wet. Think he'll be able to crack the code before the big day?

Ben seeks help from Glen, Maddie's weird assistant at work. This guy knows exactly what Maddie wants for her birthday but he's not about to share that info with Ben. Why? Well, Glen is semi-secretly in love with Maddie. If this were a romantic comedy, Glen would be the great guy who has been under her nose the entire time and Ben would be Bill Pullman.

When the day of Maddie's party arrives, Ben still hasn't figured out the mystery gift. But Glen has. He's waiting to spring it on the birthday girl and woo her away from Bill Pullman/Ben. Joel decides to help Ben out by giving him the secret to husband gift-giving. Ben needs to go big and get Maddie a diamond, as they forgive everything.

Joel knows a guy who stays open late for emergencies just like this. Ben hightails it down to the jewelry store. Mia is right behind him. She needs something to make things up to Casey. When Ben gets back to the firehouse, he gives Maddie a diamond necklace. She's thrilled. This gift is so much better than that silly iPad she wanted. Kind of like the one a dejected Glen holds in his hands.

Mia also offers Casey a diamond, but really just wants to say she was wrong about keeping secrets. She wants to know everything about him. The good, the bad and the German. Looks like these two be saying auf Wiedersehen to curtains!