Dinotrux Season 1 (First 11 Minutes Clip)

Welcome to the captivating world of Dinotrux, where prehistoric dinosaurs and modern construction equipment unite! In this exclusive first-look, we present the initial 11 minutes of the astounding Dinotrux Season 1. Dive into the thrilling adventures of Ty Rux, a Tyrannosaurus Trux, as he teams up with his extraordinary friends to conquer any obstacles that come their way. Through their combined power, they embark on daring missions, building and transforming their surroundings. Prepare to witness the incredible camaraderie and unstoppable determination of the Dinotrux crew as they navigate a world brimming with challenges and opportunities. So, settle back, unleash your imagination, and get ready for an unforgettable journey!

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Music TV Clip 11:20 664