Geena Davis Height: How Tall is the Acclaimed Actress?
Cover Images/DeeCee Carter/Media Punch

Find out the height of the acclaimed actress, who voices Mrs. Eleanor Little in 'Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild', along with interesting facts about her career and influence in Hollywood.

Geena Davis, a name synonymous with talent and versatility, has long been a prominent figure in Hollywood. While her acting skills and advocacy work have garnered significant attention, many fans and curious onlookers often wonder about her physical stature. In this article, we delve into the question: How tall is Geena Davis?

The Height of Geena Davis

Geena Davis stands tall at an impressive 6 feet (183 cm). This exceptional height is a distinguishing feature that has contributed to her commanding presence both on and off the screen. Her height, combined with her striking looks and talent, makes her a formidable presence in the entertainment industry.

Comparing with Other Actresses

In comparison to many of her peers in Hollywood, Geena Davis's height is relatively uncommon. Most actresses in the industry tend to be of average height, which makes Davis's stature particularly notable. For instance, compared to stars like Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep, who stand at 5'9" and 5'6" respectively, Davis's height is significantly taller.

Why Geena Davis's Height Matters

Impact on Her Career

Geena Davis's height played a significant role in her career, particularly in the types of roles she was offered. Her height and athletic build made her a perfect choice for physically demanding roles, such as those in "The Long Kiss Goodnight" and "A League of Their Own". These roles not only showcased her physical prowess but also her acting versatility.

Influencing Perceptions

Her stature has also had a broader influence on perceptions of female actors in Hollywood. In an industry that often values petite and delicate figures for female roles, Geena Davis stands out as an inspiring example that talent and versatility know no bounds regarding physical appearances. Her success challenges the stereotypical norms and inspires many aspiring actors of diverse body types.

A Brief Overview of Geena Davis's Career

Early Life and Breakthrough

Geena Davis was born on January 21, 1956, in Wareham, Massachusetts. She began her academic journey at New England College before transferring to Boston University, where she earned a degree in drama. Her breakthrough came in 1982 when she was cast in the film "Tootsie", which catapulted her into the limelight.

Academy Award-Winning Roles

Davis's talent was further recognized in her Academy Award-winning performance in "The Accidental Tourist" (1988). She also won a Golden Globe for her role in "Commander in Chief", where she portrayed the first female President of the United States. Her body of work includes iconic films such as "Thelma & Louise", "Beetlejuice", and "Stuart Little".

Advocacy and Influence

Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media

Beyond her acting career, Geena Davis is a passionate advocate for gender equality. She founded the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, which works towards promoting gender balance and reducing stereotypes in media targeting children. Her advocacy efforts have been instrumental in creating positive change and encouraging more diverse representation in film and television.

Athletic Ventures

In addition to her acting and advocacy work, Geena Davis is also an accomplished archer. She nearly qualified for the U.S. Olympic team in archery for the 2000 Sydney Games. Her dedication to the sport showcases her versatility and commitment to excellence in all her endeavors.


In summary, Geena Davis stands at an impressive 6 feet tall, a height that has distinguished her both physically and professionally in Hollywood. Her career, marked by notable performances and significant advocacy, highlights her as a multifaceted personality in the entertainment industry. Her height, while a point of curiosity for many, is just one aspect of what makes Geena Davis a remarkable and influential figure.

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