'Glee': Damian to Live Under the Same Roof With Major Character

The 'Glee Project' winner will appear in episode four of season 3 as an exchange student who stays with Brittany's family.

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How Damian McGinty will get into "Glee" plot has been revealed. "The Glee Project" winner will play an exchange student named Rory, who stays with Brittany's family. He will show up starting episode four of the upcoming third season, which will premiere Tuesday, September 20 on FOX.

Hilarity will reportedly ensue since the blonde girl does not understand Rory's accent, but Santana, who has admitted to have a crush on Brittany, is not pleased with this. Fans will also finally see Brittany's family, including her mother.

Meanwhile, the other "Glee Project" winner Samuel Larsen will only join the musical series at the end of the fall semester, around episode nine. E! Online has learned there will be no guest stars in the first nine episodes because producers just want to focus on the existing characters.

As the winners of "Glee Project", Damian and Samuel land seven-episode arc. As for Lindsay Pearce and Alex Newell who were also on the top four, they will appear in two episodes each.

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