The Ultimate Guide to Eugene Levy Movies and TV Shows: A Comprehensive List
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Explore the ultimate guide to Eugene Levy movies and TV shows by discovering his iconic roles, career highlights, and memorable moments in this comprehensive list.

Eugene Levy has been a stalwart in the entertainment industry for decades, known for his distinctive eyebrows, impeccable comedic timing, and versatile acting skills. With a career spanning over five decades, Levy's repertoire includes a diverse array of movies and TV shows. This ultimate guide delves into his career, highlighting some of the most memorable Eugene Levy movies and TV shows that have cemented his place as a comedic icon.

Early Career and Breakthrough

Eugene Levy began his career in the early 1970s, gaining recognition through the Canadian television sketch comedy series "SCTV" (Second City Television). The series allowed him to hone his comedic skills, alongside other notable Canadian comedians such as John Candy and Catherine O'Hara.

Notable Roles in Movies

1. American Pie Series

Levy is perhaps best known internationally for his role as Noah Levenstein, the awkward yet endearing dad in the "American Pie" series. His character became iconic for his humorous yet heartfelt attempts to provide fatherly advice to his son.

2. Best in Show

In the 2000 mockumentary "Best in Show", Levy played Gerry Fleck, a character with an odd sense of humor and two left feet. Directed by Christopher Guest, this film showcases Levy's ability to improvise, enhancing his reputation as a versatile actor.

3. A Mighty Wind

Levy once again collaborated with Christopher Guest in the 2003 mockumentary "A Mighty Wind", where he portrayed Mitch Cohen, a former folk musician. The role earned him widespread acclaim and displayed his depth as an actor beyond mere comedy.

4. Waiting for Guffman

Another gem in Levy's filmography is the 1996 comedy "Waiting for Guffman". Playing Dr. Allan Pearl, Levy's performance is a testament to his adeptness at character-driven humor.

Memorable TV Shows

1. Schitt's Creek

One of the most celebrated roles of Eugene Levy's career is undoubtedly Johnny Rose in "Schitt's Creek". Co-created with his son, Dan Levy, the series tells the story of a wealthy family that loses their fortune and has to live in a rundown town. Johnny Rose's straight-man character against the backdrop of eccentric townsfolk created many unforgettable moments, earning Levy an Emmy Award in 2020.


As mentioned earlier, "SCTV" was a significant milestone in Levy's career. The show's clever satire and memorable characters helped establish him as a notable figure in comedy.

3. Maniac Mansion

In the early 90s, Levy created, produced, and often appeared in the television sitcom "Maniac Mansion". The show, centered around a scientist's bizarre experiments, displayed Levy's creative and comedic talents beyond acting.

Voice Acting Roles

Aside from his on-screen work, Eugene Levy has lent his voice to various animated characters, further highlighting his versatility.

1. Finding Dory

In the 2016 animated film "Finding Dory", Levy voiced Charlie, Dory's father. This role introduced Levy to a new generation of audiences in a heartwarming and beloved Pixar film.

2. Over the Hedge

Levy also voiced Lou, the porcupine, in the 2006 animated film "Over the Hedge". His performance contributed to the film's humor and charm.

Lesser-Known Works Worth Watching

While Levy is widely recognized for his mainstream success, his career also includes several lesser-known but equally entertaining projects.

1. For Your Consideration

Levy co-wrote and starred in "For Your Consideration" (2006), a satirical comedy about the film industry. His collaboration with Christopher Guest on this project is another example of their prolific partnership.

2. Made to Be Broken

In the 1987 Canadian television movie "Made to Be Broken", Levy played a character navigating the complexities of relationships and work, showcasing his dramatic acting abilities.


Eugene Levy's extensive and varied career in movies and TV shows highlights his remarkable talent and versatility. From laugh-out-loud comedies to heartwarming family films and critically acclaimed TV series, Levy's contributions to the entertainment industry are both significant and enduring. Whether you're rediscovering old favorites or exploring lesser-known gems, this comprehensive guide to Eugene Levy's work offers something for every fan of this comedic genius.

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