Off the Map Episode 1.13 There's a Lot to Miss About the Jungle
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Off the Map Episode 1.13 There's a Lot to Miss About the Jungle

Episode Premiere
Apr 6, 2011
Production Company
Shondaland Productions, ABC Studios
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Apr 6, 2011
2011 - 2011
Production Co
Shondaland Productions, ABC Studios
Official Site
Randy Zisk
Jenna Bans
Main Cast
Additional Cast
  • Izzy Davis
  • Soren Fulton
  • Judith Hoag
  • Elizabeth Pena
  • Brett Tucker

There's a heart in New York with Ryan's name on it. Time to hit the road with the dueling docs, Mina and Ben. They have three hours to get to the plane that'll take them on the first leg of their journey. If they miss it, there's no way they'll get to NYC in time. There can be no delays. Guess what? There's a delay.

A truck carrying a group of young girls overturned on the side of the road. Ben, Ryan and Mina treat the girls for superficial wounds until they discover one young lady is pinned under the truck. They can't move her without knowing the extent of her injuries. They also can't stay if they want to make that plane. Mina volunteers to remain behind until the rescue team arrives.

When the truck shifts, Mina goes against Ben's orders and pulls the girl out. The patient is unresponsive. She phones Ben, who says he was wrong for calling her a bad doctor. He can't tell her what to do now, as he's not on the scene. Mina needs to use her best judgment if there's any chance of saving the girl.

Mina enlists help from the other girls to clamp the patient's aorta. It's a temporary fix. They need to pray they can get her back to the clinic soon. So that's just what all the other girls do. Mina, however, isn't a big believer in the power of prayer. She reconsiders when a truck loaded with holy statues happens by.

Marge is a mom who is in her third remission during a battle with cancer. Whenever she beats the disease, Marge and her family take a bike trip around the world. Her son, Scotty, seems less-than-thrilled to go on these adventures. In fact, he's so despondent about his life that he opts to act as standstill target for a charging bull. The kid is severely mauled. He now stands to lose a leg.

The only way to save Scotty's leg is with a donor vein. Marge knows she's a viable match, as her son donated the bone marrow that sent her into remission. It's risky procedure, but Marge knows she's living on borrowed time anyway. But Scotty doesn't want the vein. He let the bull gore him on purpose because he couldn't tell his mom he didn't want to live the life she had mapped out for him.

Otis doesn't care what the kid wants. Scotty is a minor. It's the parents' decision. Tommy doesn't buy it. He tells Marge why Scotty did what he did. Tommy thinks the kid has a right to be heard. So Marge listens. They eventually agree to do the surgery and Cole eventually concedes that Tommy may have been right all along. He even stops referring to him as "Plastics."

Otis makes Zee's day when he shows her his reissued passport with the new jungle address he calls home. He also brings a smile to Mina's face when he says she made the right call with her patient. Mina is beyond relieved when she learns the little girl is going to make it. She can't stop hugging Tommy, even after he finally gets up the courage to tell her he's in love with her.

Lily has a rash on her face. Turns out she's allergic to the cocaine she helped harvest the night before. It's a modern day scarlet letter as she runs the clinic solo for the first time ever. She treats Pablo, a police officer who doesn't have a lot of experience out in the field. That's probably why his hands are seared and stuck together after trying to confiscate an exploding firecracker. Ouch!

Pablo suffers major panic attacks whenever things get tense. Lily realizes his problem is caused by his heart, not his head. A pill will help him keep cool in the face of danger. Of course, Lily is the one who looks panicked once Pablo tells her the cops are burning down all the cocaine farms in the area. She beelines over to Mateo's place. The entire harvest crop is ablaze and Mateo has been shot. His prognosis does not look good.

After getting bogged down by festival traffic, Ben scoops up Ryan in his arms to carry her to the plane. They make it, but Ryan isn't boarding. She gets word that the heart on hold isn't viable. Ryan tells Ben she just wants to go home. He knows that means she wants to go home to die. Think Ben will ever let that happen? No way. He meets with ex-pal Jonah to make arrangement to acquire a heart by any means necessary.