Chuck Episode 4.20 Chuck Versus the Family Volkoff
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Chuck Episode 4.20 Chuck Versus the Family Volkoff

Episode Premiere
Apr 11, 2011
Comedy, Action
Production Company
College Hill, The WB, Wonderland Sound & Vision
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Apr 11, 2011
Comedy, Action
2007 - 2012
Production Co
College Hill, The WB, Wonderland Sound & Vision
Official Site
Robert Duncan McNeill
Amanda Kate Shuman, Nicholas Wootton
Main Cast
Additional Cast

Mary helps Ellie with baby Clara as Ellie explains the real reason she asked Mary to come over. Ellie's been exploring the files in the Orion computer and wants to know if Mary knows what "Agent X" refers to. Mary wonders if Ellie has run this by Chuck. She hasn't and she's not going to because she doesn't want Chuck involved in anything spy-related. Ellie shows Mary information that she's uncovered about the Intersect project. Mary bluffs and says she's never heard of it. Ellie leaves to go feed Clara and Mary sits before the computer, worried.

Chuck and Sarah get ready for work. Sarah hands Chuck an envelope and asks him to sign the "wedding prep documents" when he gets a chance. Chuck looks at the papers, sees that it's a pre-nup. He's taken aback, stutters about having to wash his hair and tells Sarah he'll meet her at work.

Chuck shows the pre-nup to Morgan. Casey thinks Sarah's just taking precautions since half of all marriages fail. Chuck is a little freaked out by the familiar routine that Morgan and Casey have with each other - they could almost be married themselves. Casey tells Chuck that he overanalyzes everything and he should just sign the papers. Morgan and Casey advise Chuck to "be cool." Chuck leaves. Casey gives Morgan a pile of mail, watches as he goes through it. When Morgan reaches an embossed envelope, Casey comments that it has Alex's return address and looks like an invitation. Morgan reluctantly explains that it's an invitation to Alex's graduation. Alex really wanted to invite Casey, but since he's technically dead in her mother's eyes, she can't. Casey gets it, but is still hurt. Just then, he gets a text from Beckman instructing him to report to Castle immediately.

Beckman briefs the team on their next mission. Because the bombs planted in Castle had Volkoff parts and design, Langley has tagged Vivian Volkoff as the responsible party and targeted her for assassination. Chuck argues against such a drastic measure, and wants a chance to persuade her to come in. Beckman compromises. Chuck will set up a meet with Vivian and Casey will prep a sniper team. If Vivian gets hostile, Casey will take her down. After the meeting, Sarah tries to be supportive, tells Chuck that Casey's just being Casey in his distrust of Vivian. Then Sarah apologizes for springing the pre-nup on Chuck, figures he wants to talk about it. But Chuck plays it cool, says he doesn't want to talk about and hands her the signed pre-nup. Sarah is stunned.

As Sarah and Chuck arrive at the meet, Sarah returns to discussing the pre-nup. Chuck gets it, spies have secrets. Sarah explains that she doesn't have secrets from Chuck, it's just family stuff. Chuck keeps playing it cool. Vivian Volkoff arrives with her security team. Vivian denies any involvement in the bombs that were planted at Castle. She insists that she's trying to make Volkoff Enterprises into a legitimate enterprise. She's even brought them something from an arsenal of her father's deadliest weapons. Just as Vivian is asking Chuck and Sarah if they trust her, snipers begin firing. Sarah tells Casey to stand down, but he and his team aren't the ones who are shooting. Vivian thinks the whole thing was a set-up. Several of her security men are shot and she takes a bullet in the arm as they race off.

Later, the team reports to Beckman. Casey tells her that they couldn't determine the source of the shot, but it wasn't them. Chuck relays that the weapon offered up by Vivian isn't in the Intersect and they can't figure out what it does. Beckman insists that the kill order on Vivian still stands. Chuck thinks if Vivian was being straight with them and it is a deadly weapon, the kill order should be rescinded. Chuck declares that unfortunately, there's only one man who can give them the intel to verify that, and he's the most dangerous man in the world. We cut to Alexei Volkoff working things out in a group therapy session in prison. Volkoff apologizes for cutting off a fellow prisoner in the cafeteria line. Just then, an announcement comes over the loudspeaker that Volkoff has a visitor. He turns and sees Chuck and Sarah, musing that he's going to have some fun.

Chuck and Sarah meet with Volkoff. They're surprised by his contrite attitude. Chuck asks Volkoff about the good guy act. Volkoff says he's no longer interested in how the world can serve him, but rather how he can serve his fellow man. Chuck shows him the weapon, telling Volkoff that identifying it will help rescind the kill order on Vivian. Volkoff tells them that the weapon is The Norseman, a DNA tracker. With one sample, it can pick out a target or family of targets from a crowd. The weapon has two components. Volkoff wants to make amends with his daughter, so in exchange for five minutes with her, he'll get them the other components. Chuck comments that this would mean letting him out of jail. He tells Volkoff they're not falling for it.

Alex finds Casey at the Buy More and apologizes about the invitation. She tells Casey she's having dinner with her mom after the ceremony, but in between dinner and the party, Alex told her that she's having "drinks with friends." Casey doesn't want Alex lying to her mother, but Alex really wants Casey to be part of her graduation. Casey agrees to meet Alex wherever she wants. As Alex leaves, she gives Morgan a quick kiss, which Casey wishes he hadn't seen.

Inside Castle, Beckman gives the mission to Chuck, Sarah and Casey. Washington wants the additional weapon components to The Norseman. To help them, Volkoff is brought in from prison, shackled and heavily guarded. Volkoff tells them that the man who has The Norseman targeting component is the high seas pirate Ellyas Abshir. Chuck flashes on Ellyas Abshir, a notorious kidnapper and vessel thief who was last seen in Mogadishu. Volkoff reveals that Beckman caved to his request for a meeting with his daughter. Beckman explains that The Norseman is dangerous and Washington wants it now, damn the risks. Volkoff will accompany them to retrieve it. For the next 48 hours, Volkoff is their responsibility.

In Mogadishu, the team plans for Chuck to go into Ellyas' compound undercover. Volkoff advises Chuck to tell Ellyas that Volkoff sent him, because it will make them afraid. Casey leads Volkoff to a corner. Sarah checks in with Chuck again, commenting that he's being very cool about the whole pre-nup thing. Chuck figures she'll tell him why she wanted him to sign it when she's ready. Sarah assures Chuck that it's got nothing to do with them. Chuck gets it - he's cool. Which makes Sarah unsure.

Volkoff compliments Chuck on how well he's handling the pre-nup issue. It's so important to see her side of things. Volkoff shares that part of his recovery is seeing opposing points of view. He's has been thinking a lot about Chuck's mother lately and feels that he owes her an amends. Chuck tells Volkoff that he's a sore subject. Volkoff drops it. He reminds Chuck to carry himself as a criminal who works for Volkoff.

Chuck walks into the pirate compound. He announces that he's looking for Ellyas Abshir. As soon as he says he works for Volkoff, everyone in the compound turns and points their guns at Chuck. This is not exactly how the plan was supposed to go...

Chuck faces off against Ellyas Abshir, who knows that Volkoff is in prison. Chuck explains that Volkoff sent him to broker a deal for The Norseman tracking device, but Ellyas says it's not for sale. Chuck assures him they're prepared to pay. With his life, Ellyas wonders? In the hideout, Volkoff warns Sarah and Casey not to go in with all their firepower or there'll be a bloodbath. He tells them that in order to get Chuck out alive, Volkoff needs to be there - out of his shackles. Ellyas tells Chuck to pick a game. If he wins, the tracker is his, if Ellyas wins, Chuck dies. Chuck asks if Ellyas has Uno.

Mary is at Ellie and Devon's to babysit again. She explains away the missing computer file with a story about how she put a flash drive in, and the file just disappeared. Mary didn't say anything because she felt stupid. Ellie reassures her that the computer automatically embeds backup files on the hard drive, so no files were lost. Ellie and Devon leave for dinner. Ellie pauses in the courtyard to check the nanny cam, which reveals that Mary's already doing something on the computer. Ellie tells Devon they're going to follow Mary the next day to see what she's doing with the file. She wants to know why Mary is keeping something from her.

Chuck plays Uno against Ellyas. Just as Chuck is about to win, Ellyas cheats and pulls a "Wild Draw Four" card from his sleeve. Chuck accuses Ellyas of cheating. Just then, Volkoff walks in wearing his signature gray suit, Sarah and Casey covering him. Volkoff accuses Ellyas of cheating, tells him to give Chuck the tracking device. Volkoff throws a knife at Ellyas, which pins his sleeve to the table. Volkoff declares that for once in his life, Ellyas is going to play fair, so it's the tracking device or his life. Ellyas tells him to take the tracking device, which Chuck does. Volkoff dramatically says there's just one problem, something he's got to do that's very painful. Still holding Ellyas at knifepoint, Volkoff apologizes to Ellyas. Ellyas accepts the apology. Volkoff embraces him. Chuck, Sarah and Casey hurry Volkoff out of the compound.

Back at Castle, Volkoff assembles The Norseman. All that remains is the killing agent, Thorium. Volkoff knows where the Thorium is, but is keeping that information close to the vest. Beckman interrupts them to share that Langley is getting antsy. Chuck comments that they think Volkoff knows where the Thorium is, but he's not being "cool." Volkoff wants proof that they'll keep their side of the bargain before he reveals where the location of the Thorium. Beckman refers Volkoff to a document as proof. Once Volkoff sees the Volkoff Industries watermark, he reveals that the Thorium is in a Swiss military bunker and all locks are coded to his DNA.

At Buy More, Casey finds an invitation from Alex in his locker. There's a note on it to meet her at eight at the shooting range to celebrate.

At Castle. Mary finds Chuck and reports that Ellie is breaking through the fire walls on the Orion computer. Chuck says he had Devon take out the hard drive and disable it. But he didn't, and Mary says that with the progress Ellie's making and her access, it seems as though Chuck's father intended for her to find out about the Intersect. Mary thinks she removed the dangerous files, but Ellie is on to her and is following her. It's time for Ellie to find out what Chuck does for the CIA. Chuck is worried that if Ellie learns the truth now, she'll resent him for all the lies he's told and it will tear them apart. Mary thinks it will be far worse if Ellie finds out on her own. Casey interrupts because Beckman needs Mary on the monitor.

Beckman tells Mary that Ellie has unlocked material out of Orion that even their best technicians couldn't get near. They'd never even heard of Agent X. It seems like Ellie has exclusive access and the Director wants her to keep working. Mary protests that Ellie isn't a spy. Beckman apologizes, but it comes from the top. Beckman signs off. From another room, Mary hears Volkoff singing. Chuck appears to explain that Volkoff is on a 48-hour furlough to help them with The Norseman. Mary advises Chuck to watch his back. Chuck tells her that Volkoff asked to see her to make amends. Mary is skeptical, tells Chuck to never believe a word Volkoff says and never let Volkoff out of his sight.

Sarah and Casey keep watch from a lookout post in the Swiss Alps as Chuck and Volkoff head into the bunker. Volkoff explains that to access the Thorium, he must win an automated chess game on a time clock. There are deadly consequences if he loses. Volkoff suggests that Chuck might want to wait with his friends. In response, Chuck handcuffs himself to Volkoff. Volkoff starts playing and Chuck advises him to "be cool." Outside, Casey and Sarah discuss how Chuck's "cool" attitude about the pre-nup is bothering her. Sarah tells Casey that she wanted the pre-nup because she has some money socked away in case her dad gets arrested again. Casey thinks Chuck can handle it. Sarah explains that it's more about what it dredges up for her - her relationship with her family and having to take sides between her parents. This resonates with Casey.

Inside the bunker, the computer checks Volkoff in the chess game and a gun emerges, pointed directly at Volkoff and Chuck. Volkoff comments that games like this used to be fun, because he didn't care whether he lived or died, but now with his new attitude, he doesn't want to die. Chuck gives Volkoff a pep talk, reminding him that he's still the most evil weapons dealer the world has ever seen, a villain. Volkoff embraces that aspect of himself a little too strongly... But he wins the chess game, averting disaster and gaining access to the weapons room. Outside, Sarah and Casey lose their audio connection and hear Russian on the radio. They head inside. In the weapons room, Volkoff uses his DNA to access the Thorium. But before they get to it, Volkoff tells Chuck that he has to make amends to him for what he's about to do.

Sarah and Casey enter. Volkoff tells Chuck that this is "the twist" - Chuck was right about him. Henchman surround them with guns pointed. Then Vivian walks in. They disarm Chuck, Sarah and Casey. Vivian explains how she set them up. The Norseman is the most dangerous weapon in the world, but she needed her father's DNA to get the killing agent. Volkoff tells them that the minute they showed him The Norseman component, he knew it was a message from his daughter. Volkoff tells Vivian that they'll run the company together. Vivian takes the Thorium, then orders her henchman to plant grenades. She announces that this is the real twist - she's leaving them all to die, including her father. Chuck tries to reason with Vivian, saying this isn't who Vivian is. But Vivian won't be persuaded. She accuses both Volkoff and Chuck of using and betraying her, and shattering her life.

Chuck flashes to access information. Then he, Sarah and Casey spring into action, taking the henchman out. Vivian leaves. Now they must disarm the grenades. Chuck asks Volkoff if there are any other escape routes, but Volkoff is despondent that Vivian hates him. He tells Chuck to leave him there to die. But then they'll all die. Chuck encourages Volkoff to see things from "her side" of the issue. At the last moment, the grenades shut down. Volkoff reveals that used a modified, directed EMP, his newest innovation, to disarm them. Volkoff laments that he was going to tell Vivian all his secrets, they were going to be partners. But not anymore.

Chuck escorts Volkoff out of Castle. Mary stops them, says she understands that Volkoff wanted a minute with her. Volkoff makes his apology to Mary. He tells her that he was not worthy of her love like Orion was. As the guards take Volkoff away, he reminds them that family and friends are everything, and money, greed and power are a dance with Satan, who looks like him.

Casey and Alex eat dinner at Casey's apartment. He tells her that they'll have dinner the day after her graduation, because he doesn't want her lying to her mother. Casey says it's not okay for Alex to be torn between two parents. Casey respects that Alex doesn't want to tell her mother the truth, but then they have to compromise and he won't be there on the day of the graduation. Unless, Alex suggests, they tell her mother that Casey's alive. That's a scary idea to Alex.

Sarah rips up the pre-nup and tells Chuck to forget it ever existed. She asks Chuck to stop being so "cool." Chuck presents Sarah with his own pre-nup. She thinks that's not very cool, until she reads it. It's an agreement to always love each other and never contemplate divorce. Sarah signs it. Chuck sees Ellie and Devon return home. He has to talk to Ellie now or he'll lose his nerve. Sarah agrees and assures Chuck that Ellie will understand.

Chuck goes to Ellie's door to tell her the truth. She steps outside. Chuck tells Ellie he wants to talk to her about their dad's computer. Ellie lies to Chuck and says she thought she had found some secret files, but it was just some cheats for a video game he was developing. Ellie goes back inside. Sarah steps outside to find a stunned Chuck. Chuck tells her that Ellie just lied to him, which she's never done before. Not cool.

In Vivian's office, she talks on the telephone and orders someone to rebuild the device as quickly as possible. There was only one man her father was ever afraid of and who was a threat to Volkoff Industries, and he went by the code name Agent X. Vivian is going to track him down and kill him so that no one will ever be able to touch her, ever. She hangs up and regards the Thorium with a look of hatred. It looks like Vivian is the new big bad...