The Drowning Soundtrack
The Drowning  Soundtrack

The Drowning Soundtrack

Notefornote Music
Release Date
August 25, 2017
Anton Sanko
# Track Listing
1 A Crack
2 What?
3 Teach Shrinks
4 Happy Normal Couple
5 To the Cleaners / All Things Considered
6 Introspective Jog / Empty Bed
7 Gotta Take a Leak
8 Pretend Like You Give a Shit / One Painting at a Time
9 Not so Stealthy
10 Maybe It's Animal
11 Chicken in My Hands / He's a Job
12 Colin Waters
13 Those Muffins We Love
14 Danny in New York / It's Time
15 Perverted Shit
16 Lucky You
17 Bullets / Tom Being Played / Hello to You Too
18 With It's Head Cut Off
19 You're a Tourist
20 Breakthrough
21 Alone
22 Toy Soldiers and the Tourist