The upcoming third installment of 'Wolverine' is officially titled 'Logan' after the original name of Hugh Jackman's superhero character.
- Oct 6, 2016
AceShowbiz - The official title and poster for the upcoming "Wolverine 3" have been unwrapped. The comic book adaptation is simply titled "Logan", which is the original name of Hugh Jackman's mutant character. The poster shows a young hand holding the hero's clawed one.
— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) October 5, 2016
On top of that, director James Mangold shared on Twitter a page from the script. It gives a more detailed info on the old Logan story that will be adapted into the film due March 3, 2017. It also teases his fight with a group called The Bangers.
"He's older now and it's clear his abilities aren't what they once were. He's fading on the inside and his diminished healing factor keeps in him in a constant state of chronic pain - hence booze as a painkiller," the superhero is described.
Page two of our screenplay.
— Mangold (@mang0ld) October 5, 2016
— Mangold (@mang0ld) October 5, 2016