Chuck Episode 4.24 Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger
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Chuck Episode 4.24 Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger

Episode Premiere
May 16, 2011
Comedy, Action
Production Company
College Hill, The WB, Wonderland Sound & Vision
Official Site
Episode Premiere
May 16, 2011
Comedy, Action
2007 - 2012
Production Co
College Hill, The WB, Wonderland Sound & Vision
Official Site
Robert Duncan McNeil
Chris Fedak, Nicholas Wootton
Main Cast
Additional Cast

We flash back to five days prior to the night of the engagement party. Chuck and Sarah lie in bed. They're both freaking out about the wedding. Is it cold feet? No, they both really want to marry each other. It's the idea of exchanging intimate feelings in front of a crowd. Chuck suggests a dry run. Sarah says they'll be ready for anything.

Back in the present, Sarah's been struck down by the deadly weapon, The Norseman; Devon and Ellie wheel Sarah's gurney down the ER corridor as Chuck tells them everything he knows about thorium. Sarah is burning up, so Devon and Ellie place Sarah in a basin of ice to decrease her heart rate and slow tissue damage. Ellie tells Chuck they need to know exactly how the poison works, and they need to find an antidote ASAP!

Morgan and Casey stand nearby, worried. Chuck holds Sarah's hand. She regains consciousness for a moment and tells Chuck not to freak out about the wedding. Then Sarah loses consciousness again. Chuck promises Sarah that he's going to fix this. There's only one person who can get them the antidote - the man who invented The Norseman, Alexei Volkoff. Chuck and Casey will break into the supermax prison where Alexei is being held to get his help.

That night, Chuck and Casey sneak into the supermax prison. Mary suppresses the alarm system from Castle, giving Chuck and Casey a two-minute window. But Volkoff's not in his cell. Something's not right. A voice comes over the intercom to inform them that Volkoff is gone. Casey knows the voice and goes pale. It's the voice of Clyde Decker, a remorseless son of a b*tch. Decker appears on a screen and addresses Chuck and Casey. He's informing them of a "wash order" on the Agent X program and Operation Bartowski. Chuck's CIA resources are revoked. Decker tells them to stand down or get buried. Chuck smashes the screen, and he and Casey run.

Chuck calls Ellie. Sarah only has about 12 hours. Chuck, Casey and Mary move to a blacked-out SUV that has just pulled up. It's General Beckman. She shares that Decker is transporting Volkoff to a black site in Phoenix and they're already an hour ahead of Chuck. Beckman warns Chuck that if he goes against Decker, he's going against the CIA, and he and Sarah will have to disappear forever. Chuck will do whatever he needs to do to save Sarah. Beckman gives Chuck her access card.

Inside Castle, Chuck shares his plan with Casey and Mary - he wants the Nighthawk. The Nighthawk is a prototype of a high-tech motorcycle. Chuck flashes to gain the ability to expertly ride the Nighthawk and gets on the road to catch up to Decker and Volkoff. Mary and Casey navigate from Castle. Inside the semi in which Decker is transporting Volkoff, Decker uses a pair of high-tech sunglasses to erase the Volkoff personality. The glasses bombard Volkoff with a series of flashing images. Meanwhile, Chuck catches up to the semi and shoots out the tires to stop it. Chuck finds Volkoff and uncuffs him, locking Decker in the cell. But Decker points out that Volkoff is no longer Volkoff. He's actually Hartley Winterbottom, Volkoff's former self, a harmless and gentle soul. Chuck takes Hartley with him on the Nighthawk.

Chuck, Casey and Mary fill Hartley in on how the Volkoff personality came to exist and what he's been doing for the last 30 years. Chuck interrupts because time is of the essence in saving Sarah. Hartley remembers developing The Norseman at the same time as the Intersect. He says that the antidote is Iridium 5, although it's only theoretical. Casey tells Mary that once they secure the antidote, they'll start discussing a plan for Viv. Hartley hears Casey and wonders who Vivian is because Vivian is a Winterbottom family name. Chuck reveals that Vivian is Hartley's daughter, and she's now an enemy. Chuck implores Hartley to help save Sarah. He agrees.

Chuck and Hartley bring the Iridium 5 to the hospital for Ellie to administer. As Sarah lies unconscious, she flashes back to her and Chuck's "rehearsal" in their living room. Sarah practices her vows on Chuck. They're beautiful, and Chuck is deeply moved. He declares that his vows are a "page one rewrite." Back in the present, Ellie says that something's wrong. The Iridium slowed the spread of the poison, but Sarah's temperature is creeping back up. They've bought more time, but Sarah is still deteriorating. Chuck thinks there must be an Iridium 6. Mary recalls that four years ago, Volkoff was working on a secret compound with the codename "Lead Apron." The project was kept at Volkoff's Moscow base. Ellie says they have a day, maybe less. Casey declares that they're out of there.

As Chuck, Casey, Mary and Hartley exit the hospital, Decker and his henchman surround them with guns cocked. Chuck flashes on multiple opponent Tae Kwon Do and takes out some of the henchman, but when several other henchmen zap him with Tasers, it's too much. Chuck drops and is captured by Decker's men.

Morgan sits by Sarah's bedside, telling her a story of how Chuck saved him from a bully. His point is that Chuck never gives up.

Decker has Chuck bound to a chair. Chuck begs for the chance to save Sarah. Decker tells Chuck that he's fired. He takes out the high-tech sunglasses. They're a suppression device, and Decker uses them to remove the Intersect from Chuck. Decker moves on to Casey. Casey sees through Decker's plan to try and set him up. Casey flips the table and knocks out Decker and his men. He's in the armory in seconds and triggers the emergency door to shut behind him. As Casey arms himself, he calls Morgan. Casey tells Morgan that he needs to take out the operative that the CIA has watching him, then get to Castle.

Casey tells Mary that they're getting Chuck and Hartley out of there. Casey and Mary will be the "magnet" so that Chuck and Hartley can get out in the confusion. Chuck laments that Decker took the Intersect from him. Casey tells him to shut up, he's Chuck Bartowski, the second best spy Casey has ever worked with, and now he's going to save the best one. Hartley is going to help Chuck break into Volkoff Industries, as his old self. They now must reveal to Hartley that as Volkoff, he was an evil monster. Hartley realizes that he made his daughter like Volkoff.

Morgan tells Devon and Ellie that they have to take out the CIA guard in the hallway. Ellie tells Devon to do it. Morgan stops them, explaining that he's the professional spy. They'll use the "magnet" maneuver in which Devon will distract the guard's attention and Morgan will handle the rest.

As Chuck and Hartley leave, Casey gives Chuck two untraceable, "clean" identities, which he and Sarah will use to disappear after Chuck gets the antidote and saves Sarah. Chuck says goodbye to Mary, whom he'll never see again if everything goes right.

Morgan walks down the hallway as Devon distracts the CIA guard. As Morgan psyches himself up, Devon suddenly punches the CIA guard and hides him in a nearby room.

Chuck and Hartley enter the lobby of Volkoff Industries. Chuck reminds Hartley that as Alexei Volkoff, he's angry and evil. The plan is for Volkoff to tell the receptionist that he's there to see Vivian. She'll show Volkoff to the private elevator, and Chuck will slip into an air shaft. Hartley is spooked. He can't do it. Hartley is afraid to see Vivian. He doesn't know what to say to the daughter whose life he's ruined. Hartley leaves. The receptionist asks Chuck if she can help him. It's the moment of truth. Chuck removes his disguise of glasses and a moustache. He tells the receptionist his real name and that he's there to see Vivian regarding the fact that she wants to kill him. Guards surround Chuck with weapons drawn.

Chuck enters Vivian's office. She's impressed that Chuck is boldly, if stupidly, walking into her office unarmed. Chuck reveals that Sarah is still alive. He pleads for a vial of the Iridium 6 antidote. Vivian wonders what the trick is, what's the clever plan that's going to get Chuck out of this? Chuck is honest - he's out of plans and he's hoping Vivian hasn't become a completely evil person. Vivian has one of her guards punch Chuck in the gut. He crumbles. Vivian holds her gun to Chuck's head.

Hartley interrupts. He explains to Vivian about the long-ago CIA mission that he signed on for. Hartley apologizes to Vivian. She throws her locket at him. Hartley recognizes the locket that was once his grandmother's, whom Vivian was named for. Chuck begs Vivian for the antidote, arguing that she's still a good person. But Vivian is convinced that she has to be Volkoff now. She can never leave, never go back. Chuck asks Vivian, what if she could? He gives her the two "clean" identities. Hartley tells Vivian that he doesn't know her, but he'd like to. What will Vivian do?

Casey, Mary and Morgan sit in a car outside the hospital, observing that Decker's men have the hospital surrounded. Morgan knows that Chuck will have a plan. Just then, Sarah's bridesmaids, Carina and Zondra, slide into the car. Morgan called them as soon as their plane landed. They're there to help Sarah.

Decker's men see something approaching by air. It's a single parachutist, Chuck. Chuck tells Decker that he has the antidote and to let him into the hospital. Casey, Mary, Morgan, Carina and Zondra back up Chuck with guns drawn, telling Decker to let Chuck into the hospital. But out of nowhere, Decker has even more men! Decker announces that they're all under arrest. He's disappointed in them. But Chuck knows the move, and he's executed a "magnet" of his own, courtesy of Volkoff Industries. Massive numbers of Russian paratroopers descend from the sky, backing up Chuck.

Chuck holds up a flash drive with all of the information about Project X and the cover up. He promises Decker that if anything happens to Sarah or his family, the story will be on the front page of every U.S. paper. Decker tells Chuck he's done. Chuck tells Decker he quits, then pushes past Decker to race into the hospital with the antidote. Is he too late? Chuck flashes back to his and Sarah's "rehearsal" and the way they used twist ties instead of rings to practice. Chuck reaches Sarah's room, where she's still unconscious. Chuck turns to Ellie and Devon, begging for it to not be too late.

Of course Chuck isn't too late! An emotional Morgan presides over the nuptials as Chuck shares his version of his vows with Sarah. Morgan pronounces Chuck and Sarah man and wife, and they kiss to the applause of everyone in the church. We flash back to some of the happiest moments of Chuck and Sarah's relationship. They get in the car to go to the airport, where Morgan is their driver. The phone rings. It's Hartley. He and Vivian sent a gift. There's an envelope under the seat. Hartley tells Chuck to be wise with it. Chuck opens the envelope and his jaw drops.

Two weeks later, Chuck returns to the Buy More to find Jeff and Lester depressed. They've heard that the Buy More has been sold and figure they'll soon to be out of jobs. Chuck suggests they give it a little time. Big Mike comes by and barks at them to get back to work because the new owner could come by any time.

Chuck returns to the empty Castle. He finds one box of odds and ends, including his pocket protector. A screen flashes. It's Decker. He explains that the box is from General Beckman. It's Chuck's personal effects. Chuck remarks that he'd rather wear his pocket protector than be in business with Decker. Decker wonders if Chuck really thinks he's been fighting evil and doing good. Decker tells Chuck that he's just been a pawn. Decker says that everything has been part of a plan. Chuck insists on knowing what plan. This has affected his whole life, his friends and family; his father was killed! Decker laughs and disappears.

Later, Casey says he thinks it sounds more like a conspiracy. He wonders who could control their lives so well but figures it doesn't matter because it's not their fight, since the CIA fired them. Chuck asks what Casey and Morgan would think about going into business for themselves. Sarah says they have a base, and the Buy More has proven to be an excellent cover. Chuck reveals that he and Sarah bought the Buy More. Hartley's wedding gift was to turn over all of Volkoff's assets to them - $877 million. Their first purchase was the Buy More and everything below it. Casey and Morgan are in! Chuck also bought them a Gulf Stream and all new tactical equipment. They will need to re-outfit Castle.

Morgan is excited about being freelance spies! He grabs some sunglasses from Chuck's box of personal effects for his slick new gig. They're the Intersect glasses. A series of images flashes before Morgan's eyes, and he falls over, passed out. Chuck, Sarah and Casey race over. Chuck removes the glasses from Morgan's face. Morgan opens his eyes and tells them, "Guys, I know Kung Fu." Looks like there's a new Intersect.