Cate Blanchett Dragged for Calling Herself 'Middle Class' Despite $95M Net Worth

The Australian actress, who is the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) goodwill ambassador, labels herself 'middle class' during the 'UNHCR: Displaced Stories' press conference on Monday, May 20.

AceShowbiz - Cate Blanchett has come under fire over her recent statements during a press conference at the Cannes Film Festival. The "Ocean's 8" actress has been dragged by many social media users for describing herself as "middle class."

"When I look back at films that were made during the Second World War, even if the films didn't - the narratives didn't - directly deal with it, it was understood that a global crisis was going on," the 55-year-old said during the "UNHCR: Displaced Stories" press conference on Monday, May 20. "It was just a texture behind the films that were being made."

"And given that this is a global challenge, a global crisis, I'm always bewildered as to why more films don't speak directly or obliquely to this," she continued, referring to the displacement of millions of people. "[Refugees] stories are so incredible and inspiring... There are so many stories to be told that are so inspiring and unusual and off the cuff and I wonder that we're all taught to be frightened by these stories."

The Australian native went on to elaborate, "The more we do that in our narratives, the more we exclude these voices from our narratives, the more we're 'othering' them. And we're adding to the exclusion of people who have so much to offer." She then stressed that while their stories are inherently interesting, it's also important to recognize that some artists and creators are now refugees and deserve an opportunity to develop their creativity.

"I'm White. I'm privileged. I'm middle class. And I think, you know, one can be accused of having a bit of a White savior complex. But to be perfectly honest, my interaction with refugees in the film — in the field," Cate noted, before correcting herself, "and also in resettled environments, has totally changed my perspective on the world. And I'm utterly grateful for that. And I think if you do have a platform, I want to be in dialogue with these people. I've met some extraordinary people with extraordinary creative talents and amazing perspectives."

"When you give someone who is marginalized a phone to author their own experience, then I'm really happy, in any way, to help facilitate that," the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) goodwill ambassador continued. "Because I personally, selfishly, am really fascinated by seeing that."

The "middle class" remark didn't sit well with online users. One person in particular argued on X, formerly Twitter, "Middle class, eh, just another middle class multi-millionaire movie star hyper celebrity ? Get a grip, Cate." Another tweeted, "Cate Blanchett thinks she's 'middle class' compared to who? Jeff Bezos? Rich people are so out of touch."

A third opined, "She's far from middle class. And her 'privilege' comes from her wealth. What a fool." Someone else questioned, "I beg your pardon. Middle class? Cate is worth $95 million. Is that considered middle class now?"

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