The comedienne, who serves as one of the co-hosts at the 2022 Oscars, previously came under fire for claiming she's 'triggered and traumatized' after seeing Will Smith slapped Chris Rock.
- May 20, 2022
AceShowbiz - Amy Schumer keeps getting hate on the Internet over her comment the Oscars incident. Many online users are wondering why the "I Feel Pretty" actress had nothing to say regarding the Buffalo shooting while she could get "traumatized" by Will Smith's slap.
One person on Twitter asked, "@amyschumer did I miss your post about being traumatized by the mass shooting by a racist white amn who murdered innocent Black people?" Another questioned, "Question for the people @amyschumer are you as traumatized by the mass shooting in Buffalo as you were with the Will Smith slap?"
A third individual tweeted, "Anyone hear about Amy Schumer being traumatized by yesterday's shooting? I wanna see something." Someone else chimed in, "Had to check @amyschumer tweets real quick. She was not traumatized by any of the mass shootings that happened recently. Glad she's solid."
Amy, who served as a co-host at the 2022 Oscars, previously claimed she's "triggered and traumatized" by the slapping incident involving Will and Chris Rock. "I think we can all agree that the best way to unpack what happened is to stream my series [Life & Beth] and see me on tour this fall. But for real. Still triggered and traumatized," she first penned on Instagram.
"I love my friend @chrisrock and believe he handled it like a pro. Stayed up there and gave an Oscar to his friend @questlove and the whole thing was so disturbing," the comedienne added. "So much pain in @willsmith anyway I'm still in shock and stunned and sad. Im proud of myself and my cohosts. But yeah. Waiting for this sickening feeling to go away from what we all witnessed."
Many social media users blasted Amy for making it all "about [her]." One person wrote in the comment section of her post, "Shame she wants attention," while another chimed in, "Yeah sit this one out Amy."
"you saw a dude get slapped. get over it," A DUFFEREBT YSER individual suggested. Someone else stated, "Trust a white woman to portray herself as a victim of something she's not a victim of." A different user then chimed in, "(Some) white people's need to be victimized is just wild to me."