In a new trailer for the Nickelodeon show, Nick Jonas are joined by his brothers, Kevin and Joe, on the 'Good Burger' set as they share their excitement to be the sketch comedy's first guest stars.
- May 15, 2019
AceShowbiz - The reunited Jonas Brothers have given the "All That" TV reboot a big boost by revealing they'll feature on the debut episode.
The Nickelodeon show will return on 15 June with some very special guests, including original star Kel Mitchell, who joined the Jonas Brothers for one of his most famous sketches, "Good Burger", which spawned a movie for him and Kenan Thompson.
In a new trailer from the famous "Good Burger" set Nick Jonas says, "Hey! We are the Jonas Brothers and we are so excited. We are going to be in the premiere of the all-new 'All That' on Nickelodeon on June 15! See you there."
Lori Beth Denberg will also be among the familiar faces returning to the kids sketch comedy show, which ran from 1994 to 2005.
Kenan Thompson, who is now a "Saturday Night Live" regular, will executive produce.