Charlie Sheen Wants to Stop Paying Child Support to Brooke Mueller

Sheen reportedly has submitted a request to cancel his obligation to pay monthly child support to Mueller because their sons currently live with Denise Richards.

AceShowbiz -

Charlie Sheen apparently feels that he does not need to pay $55,000 in child support to his ex-wife, Brooke Mueller. According to TMZ, the "Anger Management" star has submitted a request to a judge, asking the court to cancel his obligation because his young children, Bob and Max, currently live with his other ex, Denise Richards.

Mueller is said using the money from Sheen for her rehab and Sheen reportedly does not like the idea of him paying for her rehab. He has done it several times, but now he feels that he is not obliged to do so. The twin boys' father apparently has offered some cash to Richards while his kids are in her care, but the "Twisted" actress refuses.

Richards, who has five children under her care, got a round of applause during an appearance on "Chelsea Lately" on Monday, July 1, for taking care of her ex-husband's children. "I know you're raising his kids right now," Chelsea Handler said, to which Richards replied, "Pretty much."

The talk show host told her, "Well it's really nice of you to be doing that," which prompted the audience to erupt into a round of applause. "You used to get a really bad rap and you've turned out to be the coolest ex wife anyone can hope for," the host added.

Sheen and Richards were married for three years before deciding to split. Richards was granted temporary custody of Sheen and Mueller's twin boys after the children were removed from their mother's care due to alleged drug use.

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