Lena Dunham Confronts Howard Stern During Radio Call Over His 'Little Fat Girl' Comment

Although the shock jock seems to dance around his apology, the 'Girls' creator/producer/actress appreciates his effort to talk to her directly.

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Lena Dunham is a good sport about Howard Stern's "little fat girl" comment he made on his radio show. Fresh off her double victory at the Golden Globe Awards, the "Girls" actress called in to "The Howard Stern Show" Wednesday, January 16. While she accepted his apology, she made sure to get her point across about his one particular comment.

"I don't even know where to begin with all of this," an apologetic Stern began. "The reason I felt so awful was because when Perez Hilton wrote his article, he told half the story. ...I started to compare you to Woody Allen ... the whole thing came together for me." He additionally said, "I was thinking out loud. That's what I do, I just kind of ramble on."

"I'm a big fan of your particular brand of free speech," Lena responded. "I thought that was a good line, actually," the shock jock chuckled, trying to play down his controversial joke. "I'm not that fat, Howard," the actress replied gamely. "I don't mean to take major issue with you about this. I'm not super thin, but I'm thin for, like, Detroit."

He then blurted, "You're not obese or anything," to which Lena replied mock-gratefully, "Howard Stern says I'm 'not obese or anything!' " He protested, "This is all coming out horribly." She assured him, "I appreciate it and I appreciate your effort to rectify. But whether you'd done that or not, I'd have remained a [Stern] enthusiast."

Howard had previously apologized for his harsh remarks on air, but he told his producer he wanted to talk to Lena to explain it himself. Turned out Howard formed his opinion after watching only two episodes of the comedy series and had a change of heart after watching three more episodes.

"Not only am I addicted, but I totally get you. I'm in love with you and your character...So I came in and said to Robin, on the air, 'I changed my mind. I love the show. And I love Lena and I love what she's doing with it,' " he claimed.

"It's not about apologizing," he went on, "although I want to say I'm a fan of yours...I love you and I think you're terrific."

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