Beyonce's Music Is for Dumb People, Says Study

According to a chart by Virgil Griffith, smart people prefer to listen to the music by acts like Radiohead, Sufjan Stevens and Bob Dylan.

AceShowbiz -

The music a person listens to is related to their intelligence, according to a study. For the past few years, software application writer Virgil Griffith has been tracking musical tastes based on the average SAT scores of several colleges throughout the country. Griffith compares students' scores with the artists they "liked" on Facebook.

The result shows that students who achieved above-average scores prefer music by Beethoven or Radiohead. Sufjan Stevens, Bob Dylan, The Shins, Counting Crows and U2 are other acts favorited by smart people.

Meanwhile, folks with lower scores will prefer Beyonce Knowles, Lil Wayne, T.I. , The Used and gospel music.

There are plenty of other interesting revelations from Griffith's findings, including smarter people will choose John Mayer over Pink Floyd and the music of huge rock bands like Tool, System of a Down or Pearl Jam is for people with average intelligence.

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