Embark on a mesmerizing cinematic journey with "Rebecca (Featurette)," a captivating glimpse into the world of the enigmatic Alfred Hitchcock classic, "Rebecca." This featurette takes you behind the scenes, delving into the haunting atmosphere, unforgettable characters, and intricate plot that have captivated audiences for generations. Join renowned filmmaker Ben Wheatley and cast members as they shed light on the timeless allure of Hitchcock's masterpiece, unveiling secrets that lie beneath the surface of this captivating tale. Explore the film's haunting Manderley estate, encounter the iconic characters of Rebecca and Maxim de Winter, and witness the intricate web of relationships that unfolds in this unforgettable film adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's beloved novel.
Channel | Category | Duration | Views |
Movie | BTS | 04:12 | 0 |