Still the King Episode 1.06 A Family, A Fair
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Still the King Episode 1.06 A Family, A Fair

Episode Premiere
Jul 3, 2016
Drama, Comedy
Production Company
Hideout Pictures
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jul 3, 2016
Drama, Comedy
2016 - 2017
Production Co
Hideout Pictures
Official Site
Lev L. Spiro
Dina Chapman, Steven Sessions
Main Cast
Additional Cast
  • Erik Estrada

Vernon is in line buying beer as the gas station cashier confirms that Eric Estrada is standing behind him. Before Vernon could say much of anything, Eric punches him square in the face, and a brawl breaks out. We find Walt outside filling up their convertible with gas - he has no clue of what's happening to Vernon.

Lucky for Vernon, he finds a way out of the store and into the convertible. Before Walt hits the gas pedal, Vernon flashes a wallet in Walt's face - he pickpocketed Eric's wallet. As they drive away, the gas on the ground ignites and the entire gas station goes up in flames.

Debbie and Ronnie invite themselves to the fair with Vernon and Charlotte. Upon arrival, Vernon and Debbie walk down memory lane as they recount the moment they met. Flash back to the year 2000, Burnin' Vernon is playing a show, and Debbie is working a pool and spa booth at the fair.

Back to present day; Debbie runs into her frenemy, Pamela. They used to work at the booth where she met Vernon. Not long after they exchange a few words, Charlotte runs into Dallas, the boy she met at the last concert her and Mabel attended. They hang out for a bit, while Vernon and Debbie chow down on beef sundaes. Dallas wins Charlotte a music-note key chain - she loves it.

After they say their goodbyes, Charlotte sits down at the table where her parents are eating those beef sundaes they both love so much. These delicious treats reminds Vernon of the time when Debbie and he got it on in the porta-potty. He explains that was the moment Charlotte was conceived. "I'm a porta-potty baby?!" Charlotte shouts with disgust.

Meanwhile, Walt attempts to live off the grid. He shuts off his electricity, and won't let anyone get in his way. Later, he has a stand-off with the utility workers trying to officially disconnect him - he's not going to let the government mess with him. He puts up a good fight, but ultimately loses.

The episode ends back at the fair where Pamela spots Vernon. She gives him a sexy look, and they immediately get it on... in a porta-potty.