The Honorable Woman Episode 1.07 The Hollow Wall
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The Honorable Woman Episode 1.07 The Hollow Wall

Episode Premiere
Sep 11, 2014
Production Company
Drama Republic Prod., Eight Rooks Prod.
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Sep 11, 2014
2014 - now
Production Co
Drama Republic Prod., Eight Rooks Prod.
Official Site
Hugo Blick
Hugo Blick
Main Cast

The burned man and the mysterious contact who came to his aid, revealing herself as Monica Chatwin, rendezvous in a hotel room. When MI6 agents bug the room, Chatwin starts a fire and the duo escapes.

Sir Hugh tells Nessa he knows she's collaborating with the terrorists to get Kasim back. She tells him the Israeli national MI6 spotted Monica meeting with is actually a Palestinian terrorist (the burned man) and then confesses the truth about Kasim's parentage.

Nessa takes some small revenge, seeking out the barfly who raped and beat her and telling his wife what he did.

Ephra pulls Atika aside and asks her why she told Rachel about Kasim. She confesses that she couldn't stand the pressure of keeping so many secrets and the lovers reconcile.

Sir Hugh meets with Nessa's investigator, who has identified Monica Chatwin's secret phone and suggests he investigate recent calls she made to Holland and Washington, DC.

In Israel, Nessa fields tough questions from journalists at the press conference announcing El-Amin's selection, but she's forced to suspend proceedings when El-Amin doesn't show. Nessa tells her assistant, Frances, to make sure El-Amin attends the groundbreaking ceremony but his camp claims the contractor is suffering from food poisoning.

Frances spots a new, compromising clause in El-Amin's deal granting him unlimited rights to retain the contract and asks Nessa why she would agree to it. Nessa asks Frances to trust her.

Meanwhile, Ephra and Atika sneak off to a cottage in the English countryside for a mid-day tryst.

El-Amin shows up to the groundbreaking ceremony, still feeling ill. Nessa makes her speech and El-Amin tells her she'll be reunited with Kasim that night.

Nessa notices El-Amin's camp fleeing as she prepares to start up the digger. She runs after them, and when a worker takes her place and starts the machine, a bomb obliterates everything in Nessa's wake.

Rachel appears at the cottage and surprises Ephra and Atika. Atika tells Rachel to leave and pulls out a walkie-talkie. Before Ephra or his wife can figure out what's going on, a sniper kills Ephra. Atika gives Rachel a shotgun and tells her to hide.

Ephra's assassin, the burned man, appears. Atika tries to convince him to spare Rachel's life, but he remains firm. Rachel, however, has quietly circled around the cottage, and takes the opportunity to shoot the burned man dead.

Atika contacts Monica Chatwin and tells her Ephra, the burned man, and Rachel are all dead. At that moment, Rachel's water breaks.

An agent informs Sir Hugh and Dame Julia that Monica Chatwin just placed a call to a cellphone at Ephra Stein's vacation home. MI6 dispatches agents to the location, where they find Atika attempting to deliver Rachel's baby.

Meanwhile, MI6 also notices Monica placing a call to the Zionist group who claimed the teacher's killing. Chatwin tells them to claim Ephra's death. The Zionists post a message claiming not only Ephra but Nessa's assassination and telling the world that Nessa was impregnated with a Palestinian child.

Troops search an address Monica called in Holland and find her Zionist contact recently slain. The Israelis deny involvement in any recent developments.

An agent tells Sir Hugh that they've identified the government employee Monica called in Washington, an advisor to the Secretary of State. Hugh hones in on footage of a White House press conference when the press secretary confirms that the Secretary of State plans to condemn Israel for failing to prevent the attacks with three familiar words: "She has agreed."