Bless This Mess Synopsis


This new single-camera comedy, "Bless This Mess" follows newlyweds Rio (Lake Bell) and Mike (Dax Shepard) as they make the decision to move from big city New York to rural Nebraska. After dropping everything (including their jobs and overbearing mother-in-law) to make the move from skyscrapers to farmhouses, they soon realize that the simpler life isn't as easy as they planned. Rio and Mike must now learn how to weather the storm as they are faced with unexpected challenges in their new life as farmers.

IN Season 2, After making the move from big city New York to rural Nebraska, newlyweds Rio and Mike are getting accustomed to their new life as farmers. From neighborly feuds to a house full of chickens, Rio and Mike's marriage and sanity are put to the test as they try to make the most out of their new life on the farm.