Brian Cox Says 'Succession' Co-Star Jeremy Strong's Method Acting 'Creates Hostility'

Veteran actor Brian Cox has once again shared his unapologetic views on the intense Method acting style of his 'Succession' co-star Jeremy Strong, noting both its impressive outcomes and its inherent challenges.

AceShowbiz - Brian Cox has established a reputation for being outspoken, and his recent comments about "Succession" co-star Jeremy Strong are no exception. In an interview with The Guardian, Cox reiterated his criticism of Strong's immersive approach to method acting.

While having issues with Strong's method, Cox acknowledged the end results of Strong's dedication to his role as Kendall Roy in the critically acclaimed HBO drama, "He was wonderful to act with. I had no argument with Jeremy's acting."

Despite praising Strong's on-screen skills, Cox did not shy away from pointing out the downsides of Strong's acting style. He mentioned that Strong's constant immersion into his character created difficulties for the rest of the cast.

"He would be an even better actor if he just got rid of that, so there would be much more inclusiveness in what he did," Cox explained. He further elaborated on how a colleague permanently in character can generate tension within the ensemble, stating, "It creates hostility. That's the problem."

Cox, who is known for his candid nature, admitted that his blunt opinions have often stirred controversy. "I've upset a few people over the years… Sometimes I have been fairly volatile, and I think, 'Why the f**k did you say that?' " Cox has previously criticized other actors as well, including Johnny Depp and Steven Seagal, but maintained that such criticisms are mutually acknowledged by the subjects themselves.

In regards to Strong's Method acting, Cox described it as a characteristic American obsession with having a profound experience during every performance. "It's crap," he said, expressing concern over the toll such immersion could take on Strong, noting, "Eventually, you get worn out."

From Strong's perspective, his dedication to the character of Kendall Roy is paramount. He once said he took his character "as seriously as I take my own life" and expressed some disappointment over Cox's critique. However, Strong affirmed the strong bonds among the "Succession" cast members, saying, "We're a family in every sense of the word. But foundationally, there's deep respect and even love."

The dynamic between the two actors, painted by both praise and critique, highlights the broader debate surrounding Method acting. Though Strong's approach has given rise to award-winning performances, the discussion underscores the potential personal and professional challenges that come with such a level of commitment.

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