'There was not a single moment where I felt any jealousy,' admits the 'American Horror Story' star when discussing the bond she shares with her co-stars in the heist film.
- Oct 11, 2018
AceShowbiz - Actress Sarah Paulson was forced to reevaluate her opinions about the "cattiness" of female friendships in Hollywood after working with such "extraordinary" co-stars on "Ocean's 8".
The all-female heist film, which opened in June, featured Paulson opposite the likes of Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, and Rihanna, and Sarah admits she was pleasantly surprised by the bond they all developed onset.
"As I was forming my own thoughts and opinions as a young person about what female friendships could be and what women were like together, it was a lot of cattiness," she explained to breakfast show "Today".
"I had a thought process that was really, really screwed up about it, and I had to confront it when I was on the set of Ocean's 8, working with these extraordinary women."
The experience was the complete opposite of what she had come to expect from her fellow actresses.
"I had a new map in my body, sort of molecularly, about what that (female friendship) actually is," Sarah said. "There was not a single moment where I felt any jealousy (on the set of Ocean's 8)... It was an extraordinary thing to be reminded of."
Another industry issue the "American Horror Story" star is working to overcome is the problem with ageism, particularly regarding the casting of older actresses.
At 43, Sarah is well aware of the difficulties some of her peers have had in securing regular screen work, but she is determined to stay as busy and in-demand as possible, because she has no plans to retire anytime soon.
"I just feel like sometimes the window (of opportunity) is open this big (only a little) and I'm trying to muscle it open as long as I can to get it as wide open as possible," she shared.
"I have absolute terror and fear that someone is gonna go, 'No, no, you turned 45 - bye bye!' I hope that is not the case, I really do. I feel like I have a lot more to do and say from a creative standpoint."