Heather Mills was eliminated Tuesday April 24th on "Dancing With The Stars."
- Apr 26, 2007
AceShowbiz -
It's over. She will no longer dance with her star friends. Heather Mills was eliminated Tuesday April 24th from the U.S. television series "Dancing with the Stars." It was the show's sixth week.
Despite the elimination, Mills seemed well prepared for it, having a farewell speech to tell the audience and juries.
"We knew we were going out. We were in the bottom two last week. We're not surprised," Mills said while went on saying, "But we've raised a fortune for our charity, and hundreds of thousands of animals' lives will be saved."
Mills, furthermore, thanked her professional dance partner, Jonathan Roberts, along with the show's orchestra, make-up artists, costume designers and fans.
Elsewhere judge Bruno Tonioli commented, "What she has done is amazing. She has been able to take on something that was never thought possible. She was so wonderful that you almost forgot that she had an artificial limb. She had to work harder than anybody else. I think she deserved to stay on."