Hell's Kitchen Episode 11.18 4 Chefs Compete
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Hell's Kitchen Episode 11.18 4 Chefs Compete

Episode Premiere
Jul 18, 2013
Production Company
Upper Ground Enterprises, A. Smith & Co., Granada
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jul 18, 2013
2005 - now
Production Co
Upper Ground Enterprises, A. Smith & Co., Granada
Official Site
Main Cast

The final four chefs meet Chef Ramsay in the dining room. The morning's competition involves putting together a puzzle. Cyndi and Ja'Nel are pitted against Mary and Jon, who complete the puzzle first and win - nothing.

But Chef Ramsay tells them the picture in the puzzle is the actual task. The dish is brought out to them, and they must now take part in the "Taste It, Now Make It Challenge" to re-create it in just 30 minutes.

First they must identify the protein. Cyndi and Ja'Nel think the dish uses venison, while Mary chooses bison and Jon goes with beef. They all believe the puree is butternut squash. Ja'Nel and Mary use parsnip for the diced vegetable, while Jon identifies it as celery root, and Cyndi settles on turnip. At the last minute Mary changes her protein to lamb.

When time is up, all of the contestants present their dishes to Chef Ramsay. He reveals that Cyndi and Ja'Nel both correctly chose the venison; however, they thought the puree was squash when it was actually carrot. Since Cyndi names turnip as the diced veggie, she wins the challenge.

As a reward, Cyndi gets a $1,000 shopping spree at Sur La Table and a trip with Chef Ramsay to his latest restaurant, The Fat Cow. The remaining three cooks must move all of the furniture out of the dorm and then prep the kitchen for dinner service.

Despite an exhausting day of moving and shopping, the final four have to jump one more hurdle to make it to the final. Each chef will have an opportunity to run the pass, and only two contestants will survive through the night.

When the doors to "Hell's Kitchen" open, Cyndi gets off to a good start with perfect risotto. Chef Ramsay wants to see if her leadership skills match her cooking. At the pass, however, she does not demand enough attention, and Chef Ramsay asks her to start again. Then Sous Chef Andi adds crab instead of lobster to the risotto to test Cyndi's palette. She does not find the error but redeems herself with a good performance in expediting.

Ja'Nel is next up at the pass. She also has trouble commanding respect from her fellow players. When Cyndi presents her underseasoned risotto, Chef Ramsay questions if this is sabotage. But Ja'Nel steps up and catches the mistake when Sous Chef Andi delivers cod instead of halibut.

Jon is the next up to prove he is a leader. But he is tripped up when Jean-Philippe gives him a ticket asking for Wellington without pork, even though the dish is prewrapped and can't be altered. Jon completely loses control of the kitchen. Yet when Ja'Nel brings up raw lamb, he begins to demand attention from his fellow cooks. Still, when Sous Chef Andi replaces scallops with butterfish, the error slips by Jon.

Mary is the last of the final four to take her turn at the pass. She immediately takes control and asks Jon to refire his scallops and Cyndi to reseason her risotto. When Sous Chef Andi brings her a Wellington stuffed with lamb instead of beef, she immediately spots the difference. After a successful turn at the pass, the four chefs complete dinner service.

Chef Ramsay asks them to think about why they deserve to stay while he decides which two contestants will make the cut. In the end he sends Cyndi home and puts Mary through to the final round. Tune in next time to see whether she will compete against Jon or Ja'Nel.