100 Questions Episode 1.05 Wayne?
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100 Questions Episode 1.05 Wayne?

Episode Premiere
Jun 24, 2010
Comedy, Drama
Production Company
Universal Media Studios, Tagline
Official Site
Episode Premiere
Jun 24, 2010
Comedy, Drama
2010 - 2010
Production Co
Universal Media Studios, Tagline
Official Site
Alex Hardcastle
Liz Astrof, Al Higgins
Main Cast

Andrew tells Charlotte he was just like her once, but he doesn't want to talk about it. It's time for the next question, and it's about Wayne. It all started two years ago.

Charlotte's on an awful first date at a bar. Wayne takes notice, asking why she's wasting her time with a guy like that. Wayne thinks Charlotte should date someone more like him. Just then, Mike greets Wayne with a huge hug. Charlotte realizes Wayne is the friend Mike keeps talking about.

Mike and Wayne go back to Charlotte's place. Wayne's been gone for four years, traveling all around Europe. At first Charlotte isn't a fan of Wayne at all, but Mike insists they get to know each other. Jill's excited to see Wayne. She tells everyone Leslie's ex is getting married. When Leslie enters, it's obvious through her tears that she's found out Jeffrey (her ex) is tying the knot.

Leslie wants to crash Jeffrey's wedding party to prove he should have married her. Wayne thinks they should party in Atlantic City to get Leslie's mind off Jeffrey - they'll take a limo! To Charlotte's surprise, Leslie decides she wants to go.

In the limo, Mike is naked, thoroughly enjoying the hot tub. Jill and Leslie make a video, and Wayne thinks Leslie's having fun, even though Charlotte's being a bit of a sour puss. Thinking Wayne's still rich, Mike wants to stop and get more champagne. Only then does the truth come out. Wayne's father cut him off, and Mike's paying for the limo, which has cost $1100 so far. Mike kicks everyone out of the limo.

Wayne can't believe Mike has no money - after all, he's a lawyer! Mike walks away mad, and Wayne turns around to walk the other way. Charlotte thinks Wayne's evading the situation. Wayne thinks Charlotte has major guy issues.

Back at Charlotte's apartment, Jill, Leslie and Mike hang out. Mike borrows Charlotte's purple jogging suit and puts it on sans underwear. He's worried about Wayne. Leslie misses Jeffrey. When Charlotte says she doesn't like Wayne, everyone gasps. Turns out Wayne may have been right about Charlotte having issues with men.

The next day, Wayne shows up at Charlotte's door. Charlotte tells him Mike wants to see him. When Jill informs that Leslie's missing, the friends hurry to Jeffrey's wedding. Wayne tells Mike he's embarrassed that he doesn't have any more money. Mike doesn't care about the money, and offers Wayne a place to stay.

Charlotte and Jill can't find Leslie, but Wayne sees her on the roof, spying on Jeffrey's wedding with binoculars. Jill and Mike try to cheer up Leslie, while Charlotte tells Wayne that they got off on the wrong foot. Later, Wayne sleeps on Mike's couch and thanks him for being a good friend.