Ryan Garcia Threatens to Quit Boxing as B-Sample Tests Positive for Banned Substances

While the test came back positive for the banned substance Ostarine, the boxer's legal team insisted that he is 'committed to clean and fair competition and has never intentionally used any banned substance.'

AceShowbiz - Ryan Garcia was unhappy with the latest news about his recent drug tests. After his B-sample collected for his fight against Devin Haney came back positive for the banned substance Ostarine, the professional boxer threatened to quit boxing.

"Let's go we positive," the 25-year-old wrote on X, formerly Twitter, in a since-deleted post. "Positive vibes bruh. Yess so happy. I F**KING LOVE STEROIDS. I don't care I'll never make money again with boxing. Your loss not mine for setting me up lol joke's on y'all. I will swallow all steroids."

The post arrived after boxing writer Dan Rafael tweeted, "Ryan Garcia's B sample results were returned Thursday a.m., 1 day after being opened." He added, "I have the lab reports & the B samples, as expected, matched A samples – both are positive for the banned PED Ostarine related to VADA tests the day before & after Haney fight."

Meanwhile, Ryan's lawyers said in a statement, "Ryan Garcia is committed to clean and fair competition and has never intentionally used any banned substance." They continued, "Soon after being notified of his positive test, Ryan voluntarily had his hair collected and shipped to Dr. Pascal Kintz, the foremost expert in toxicology and hair sample analysis."

"The results of Ryan's hair sample came back negative. This is consistent with contamination and demonstrably proves that Ryan had not ingested Ostarine over a period of time - the only way he would have had any advantage whatsoever in the ring," the statement further read. "Ryan has voluntarily submitted to tests throughout his career, which have always shown negative results. He also tested negative multiple times leading up to the fight against Haney."

"All of those factors, combined with his ultra-low levels from samples taken on April 19 and 20 (in the billionth of a gram range), point to Ryan being a victim of supplement contamination and never receiving any performance-enhancing benefit from the microscopic amounts in his system," they went on. "We are certain that one of the natural supplements Ryan was using in the lead-up to the fight will prove to be contaminated and are in the process of testing the supplements to determine the exact source."

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