The Departed Comments

  • The Departed
    • Genre : Action, Mystery, Thriller
    • Release Date :
    • MPAA Rating : R
    • Duration : -
    • Production Budget : -
    • Studio : Warner Bros.
    • Official Site :
    • Reviews Rate
      Go! Watch this movie. You'll regret if not seeing it.

    • Readers Rate
      4 of 5


    Jul 13, 2009


    Nov 08, 2006

    Leonardo is still the best actor...

    Oct 27, 2006

    Compare to Infernal Affairs (a HK movie which Martin's got his idea from), I found 'Departed' ending is unlogical and seems like much enforcements, especially on Billy's death. The guy who is Costello's rat appeared only to kill Billy and being killed by Colin. My question is why he wanted to help Colin, the 'hero' who killed his boss. Also, in the car on the way to his heroin deal, Costello was told by Colin that there were 2 police cars tailed him and then Costello asked Colin to send the police away - and the police were really go away. If I were Billy who was in the same car with Costello and heard the call, I would had suspicious on police captain, the one who has authority to send away those police cars. Billy was mentioned very clever in the beginning (got 1400 score for his cadet test), but was make 'stupid' to lead him to Colin's office. I think the best part of this flick is the great acting of Jack Nicholson as Costello and Matt Damon as Colin. As for Leo, I do love him, but why is his forehead always got stretch? Well, I think I enjoy seeing this movie more if the ending is no death Billy.

    Oct 18, 2006

    Leonardo Dicaprio is so hot in this movie

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